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How digital tools can help you with your studies and organization

Summer has wrapped, and the fall season is making its entrance. As the school year has officially started, many are sorting through new schedules and classes,  competing extracurricular activities and searching for the right tools to help manage it all. Today, we’re sharing a few well-reviewed digital resources to help you get organized and tackle the school year effectively.

Time Management

Whether that’s finding the balance between course work, free-time or self-care, every student would benefit from a solid time management tool to help them along. If you’re able to organize your day, alleviate stress and maximize productivity, you’re on the path to success. Todoist is an excellent tool that allows users to track all their tasks in one trusted place. With over a decade of refining, the team’s goal is “to make a to-do list that feels like a natural extension of your mind.”

Todoist Key Features:

  • Easy-to-use and minimalistic interface – no flashy elements or pop-ups
  • Accessible across all major platforms, making it simpler to update lists and tasks from different devices
  • No Ads displayed when using the tool on a mobile device

Whether it’s writing out a grocery list or jotting down a recipe, note-taking is essential, though methods vary. For some, a few words on a page or in the default notes app suffice, but others may include drawings as well. No matter the approach, there’s a digital tool available to support, and experts have agreed that Microsoft OneNote is a top choice.

It’s a digital note-taking app that allows users to capture their ideas, thoughts, visuals and discoveries into one-space, helping to document and simplify important moments.

OneNote Advantages:

  • Usable across a variety of platforms, including IOS, Android, Windows, and Mac
  • Ability to share notes with peers allowing for easier collaboration and brainstorming
  • Top-notch security features, including activity monitoring, user authentication and data encryption

Innovative Study Aids
From social media pings to the cell phone rings, the world is full of distractions now more than ever. However, we can also lean into our increasingly digital words to help study better. Using traditional study methods aren’t unappealing to many students, but a variety of study methods can enhance anyone’s learning experience. 

Online tools, like Quizlet, make studying more enjoyable. It’s an excellent resource for anyone who wants a fresh approach to self-paced learning through study and game modes, and flashcards.

Benefits of Quizlet:

  • Ability to create, share study sets through emails, links or other management tools
  • Mobile accessibility allows for students to study from anywhere across all platforms
  • Accommodates different learning methods and customizable to fit personal learning aims

There’s no need to go into the upcoming school year with any fear. As a culture, our technological developments have come a long way and are continuing to evolve to support us in managing our daily lives. The tools are designed for our betterment. Find what works best for you!

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