Mindfulness Matters: The simple yet powerful act of living in the moment

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There is always something vying for our attention. From the young professional to the new mom, we are constantly bombarded with the cares of life. There never seems to be enough time to do all that we need to. Our minds are always wandering, and we are unable to be present. By the end of the day, we are exhausted, and get just enough rest to repeat the process all over again. Many are feeling the mental and physical strains of this reality. Ask yourself, when was the last time you were still?

You may not be able to escape or negate your responsibilities, but incorporating mindfulness practices will improve your overall wellness and lead to managing your day-to-day better. Mindfulness is placing your attention in the present moment. Our human nature tends to want us to constantly think and analyze, but mindfulness opposes that. Being in the here and now is no easy task; it’s taking a hold of your mind and not allowing it to control you.

Here are a few simple ways to start practicing mindfulness today:

Observe your environment using all your senses. For example, when you’re walking to the train station, take the time to recognize what’s around you – the scents, colors, and flow of the air.

Give attention to your breathing. When a stressful situation arises, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and focus on what’s happening within your body.

Practice meditation. Whether it’s a walk outdoors or a few minutes lying on your bedroom floor, moments where you can promote a sense of oneness with your mind, body, and focusing on what’s happening within you, without judgment will foster increased awareness and relaxation.

Scientists have found that practicing mindfulness has been key in reducing stress, increasing happiness, and fostering a more resilient state of mind. It supports better mental health and overall quality of life. All these benefits are accessible to us, and it starts by simply being still.

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